Friday, 13 February 2015


Losing through you what seemed myself, I find selves unimaginably mine[e. e. Cummings]

“And when one of them meets with his other half… the pair is lost in an amazement of love and friendship and intimacy, and would not be out of the other’s sight…: these are the people who pass their whole lives together; yet they could not explain what they desire of one another.” [Plato, 360 B.C.E]

This is exactly what happens when you meet your soulmate. You don’t meet your soulmate easily nor do you meet until you have attained the wisdom to recognise him or her. God polishes you, makes you go through fire, makes you strong and worthy of your soulmate. Its not until you have passed these karmic testings that u’ll meet your soulmate. Soulmates are not two people who rush into a relationship before they are wise enough to choose. Your soulmate moves you from your reality to god’s reality. And once you have stood the test of time and have known your soulmate, you will feel entirely whole, healed and intact in his or her presence, like no piece missing from the puzzle and feel enriched in your spirit.

It is said that since the beginning of time everyone was created as perfect soul. These souls had two halves. One half consisted of the male energy and the other half consisted of the female energy. Each was incomplete without the other and together they were power house of energy and creativity. Together they were the ultimate dynamo and hence susceptible to pride and exploitation.  To teach a lesson the creator separated these halves into human forms and bought them into worldly existence, to live their independent lives, experience and expand and undergo their individual karmic testing till they are wise and worthy enough to unite with their other half.

Failure to overcome your karmic testing would lead to failure in finding your soulmate. There is an incomplete feeling in the process. There is a void within you. There is loneliness and separation, which gives rise to a desire to connect to your soulmate. This is why when you meet your soulmate, there is an instant connection and you really can’t figure out the reason behind your meeting. You feel strange yet intrigued by the mystery of your meeting. There is a deep sense of connection and understanding and you feel very familiar and just a feeling of being at home. This person may not be the kind of people you usually interact with yet this unfamiliarity gives way to familiarity, security and comfort. You are drawn like a magnet to this person. It becomes difficult to lament reasons for your attraction to this person. Amidst the frustration to understand this strange alchemy, you might want to move away from this person but something gets you back to this person again and again.

It’s strange but you can read each other’s mind. Words really don’t matter; it’s just that you both know. You both are telepathically connected and similar in many fashions, yet different to complement each other. This person is not someone you want but someone you need to change your life for the better and bring about virtues in you that you badly need to learn. In any soul mate relationship, you will need to give up the illusion that there is a perfect person waiting for you who will fulfil your every expectation and give you everything you desire. Do not expect your ideal soul mate to be someone who is always loving and easy to get along with, who agrees with everything you say or do, and who brings you a life of ease or comfort. It’s a paradox, you really can’t figure out the answer why you fell for this person yet this person would bring you nothing but happiness.

The discernible meeting of an intimate soul mate comes with powerful emotion and strong physical attraction. There is a chemistry and instant recognition. There is an overwhelming aura of this person that hovers over you, passions run deep and at times to the extent of ruminations and obsessions. But unlike other relationships you don’t feel like resisting this ardour rather lose yourself into its mesmerising captivity.

What, did I hear you asking me how do you search for your soulmate???

My friend, trust me, give up searching. Soulmates can never be searched for, they just happen to meet !!! They will not arrive in your life until you are tried and tested, until destiny churns and twists your patience, your dreams and every emotion, till finally when you hopelessly give up. And then the tides take turn and enters this grand person into your life with silent footsteps at a destined time beyond your control, often accidentally, and without your recognition as such. You should take risks, meet failures, disappointment and disillusion, but you should never give up faith and cease in your search for love, for in the end you will triumph, your patience, perseverance and persistence will never go unrewarded

Don’t expect this person to arrive and change you, you find the balance first and move towards change, and then they will eventually come and take you to the unexplored realms of life, the wild blue unknown yonder. You both would be like balloons moving together in one direction and that direction is up. When soulmates meet things just happen, every possible obstacle dissipates into the air, impossible turns into possible, miracles happen and that’s how the divine hand blesses you, because you have successfully accomplished the divine will. As rightly said by Arielle Ford “When deep down in the core of your being you believe that your soulmate exists, there is no limit to the ways he or she can enter your life”

And this valentine it would be incomplete if I cease to address my hearts longing to you my soulmate, for I know you are somewhere seeking me, listening to my hearts call...

I know I’ll find you accidentally, amidst trading hearts,
I’ll take a deep breath and stand amazed, sensing cupid’s silent darts...
And slowly I’ll find myself melting to your silent hypnotic gestures,
My broken heart will start healing all its raptures...
Your handsome intense face would be so familiar,
That I have known you since ages, my twin soul, would be absolutely clear...
You would send me into a state of trance, where I would be waiting for a chance,
To be in your arms and make with you the divine love dance...
When I sit in silence and asked my heart, who do I belong to? Every part of my heart shouts yes, yes, yes it’s you!!! .
With you I would be one, with you I would grow with virtues that never belonged to me, with you I would be complete, secured and fearless, with you there would be no barriers of distance, time or space,

With you my will would be at par with god and my loved ones, with you my desires would come to an end and supreme bliss I would transcend, intoxicated by your presence every second.

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